Getting out of hospital - a year on...
Written in August 2023, this report follows up from when we looked at different services in the South West that support people with learning disabilities and autistic people to move on from hospital.
A year on from the original advocacy evaluation report, we reflect on progress made and work that is still to be done. |
South west advocacy evaluation
October 2022
This report is about a project where we looked at different services in the South West that support people with learning disabilities and autistic people to move on from hospital. The services were supporting people who had been in hospital for their mental health for more than two years.
Some services had been doing Life Planning, advocacy and transition support (help moving to a home outside of hospital) for a while. Some services were setting up new self-advocacy projects. The report describes these projects and finishes with a set of values that we think these types of service should follow. |
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